chronic illness · Uncategorized


I'd been thinking last year of ways that I could raise more awareness about chronic illnesses, more specifically, add emphasis on the CHRONIC part of chronic illnesses. You see, people tend to forget what chronic means in terms of illness. Many, many times, people have been surprised that I'm not better, that I'm still sick,… Continue reading #Chronicallyill365

ehlers danlos syndrome

Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Part 2: My Symptoms and Comorbidities

Like I have stated before, there are 13 subtypes of EDS, 3 of them more common than the others, and the most common type being the hypermobility type. Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes do have some symptoms and comorbidities in common, but there are also some that happen only with a specific type. I learn more and more… Continue reading Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Part 2: My Symptoms and Comorbidities